sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Second Activity: The Geoprojections

The geoprojections is one of the activities that we have chosen as the best of the course, because we have seen the different distortions and the different problems that we have exposed to.

In this activity what we did it, was make a presentation comparing the different map projections thus we could realize the big different between them. So, first of all we had to study the differentces between the three different geoprojections for comparing it.

With the help of Linda we coul do the comparison perfectly, because she offered us a table with different questions that we have to complete about the geoprojections, so thus it was easier because we already knew what we had to focus on.

Then, we have to chose two different countries and compare them with the different map projections to see the differences between them.

Once we examined the different geoprojections we decided that the best geoprojection to be learnt in class will be the Mercator projection because was the less distorted.

In this activity the roles of the members of the group were: Translator, by Andrea Bermúdez; Star I and II, by Noelia Clemente and Verónica Costa; Analyst, by Amelia Avilés; Facilitator, by Gloria García; Journalist, by Nerea García; and Curator-Farmer, by Laura Clemente.

The more important thing that we have learnt with this activity is that the media or the same teachers can determine or distort the vision of students and we could mitigate the effects of this resource with the explanation by the teachers or by the media about the things as they really are, and educating better to the children for they have their own judgment, because we cannot change some distortion in the real life, so the children and the people must to learnt that the things we learn maybe there are not like we think there are.

The most important concepts about this activity we think that are:

1. Map projection: A map projection is a representation of the Earth that can transform its surface, latitude, longitude or location, depending of the projection that we use. It is necessary to create maps. All map projections distort the surface in some fashion. Depending of the map projection, we can see a distortion or another. However, map projection refers to a cartographic projection.

Map projection, (2014, April 18) In wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map_projection

2. Treasure hunt: "Treasure hunt" is a game (in this case for children of primary education) that consists in find some articles, locations, places or whatever hidden using clues. In addition, we can talk about “Scavenger Hunt” that is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items and the participants have to seek to gather all items on the list.

Treasure hunt, (2007, April 10) In wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_hunt_(game)

3. Azimuthal projection:The azimuthal projection is a map projection, which the main feature of this projection is that, depending from you look at the Earth, the distortion will be different. All points on the map are at proportionately correct distances from the center point, from which you look the map.

Azimuthal projection, (2013, December 22) In wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection

4. Mercator projection: The Mercator projection is the cartographic projection that we use at schools for learning geography. This projection distorts the size and shape of large objects and as we move from Ecuador to Poles, the distortion is greater. It converts the round surfaces in plane surfaces.

Mercator projection, (2014, Junio 1) In wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercator_projection

5. Robinson projection: Robinson created this map projection to show the world in a plane surface. There is a big distortion close to the poles. The range of acceptable distortion in this map is usually 45 degrees from north to south. In this map, we also can see that Ecuador is not in the center of the map, as it should be.

Robinson projection, (2014, March 28) In wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia, retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinson_projection

Once seem all the work and all the effort that we put in this activity, we think that we deserve a 9, because we put a lot of time doing this activity all together and the result was very good, because at the beginning we do not understand anything about the geoprojection and we thought that we would not know how to do it, but finally all the efforts had their reward and we could do the entire activity in a good way.

And individually, we think that all of us deserve a 8, because all the member work very well and did the task that the facilitator said to each one. So all together manage a good activity and all with the help of all could present a good work.

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